Header Emsos

Rules and procedures




Version June 2015

1.  T E R M S

The fiscal year of the EMSOS is from July 1st through June 30th. The Official's term of EMSOS is from the end of the annual meeting to the end of the annual meeting three years later. The membership begins when ratified at the annual General Assembly and is confirmed by a letter from the President.

2.  R E S O U R C E S

The Association is allowed to request a subscription fee. The level of the fee will be decided by the general Assembly after proposal by the Executive Committee.

Any support or donation is welcome and must be communicated to the President or to the Treasurer.

All the donors and benefactors might constitute a Sponsor's Committee regulated apart, and depending on the Executive Committee. A delegate Sponsor's Committee will be included in the Executive Committee.

The EMSOS fulfills all of the requirements for status as a nonprofit scientific, educational and professional association and shall use its eventual funds for the worthwhile objective of the Society as stated in its Constitution.

3.  M E M B E R S H I P

Application for new membership should be addressed to the Secretary before the next EMSOS meeting. Any application must include:

  • a letter of recommendation of two additional Members, one being of the same country  and one from another country as applicant (unless that country has no members when two existing members of EMSOS may act as referees).
  • curriculum vitae and a list of published papers concerning musculo-skeletal oncology, with reprints of those of major interest.
  • attendance at one EMSOS meeting

The application will be evaluated by the Executive Committee, the election will be communicated to the applicant.

A membership shall be cancelled:

  • in case of resignation. A letter of resignation must be addressed to the Secretary prior to the Annual Meeting;
  • in case of exclusion, at the decision of the Executive Committee, due to the behaviour against the Constitution, aims and rules of the Association.

4.  E X E C U T I V E   C O M M I T T E E

The Executive Committee is elected by the General Assembly upon proposal of the Nomination Committee (see 5) and is composed with right of vote by the Officials of the Society, and by seven full members.

  • The President. He is normally the President of the Society, the Chairman of the General Assembly and the Chairman of the annual meeting of the Executive Committee.
  • The Past-President.
  • One Vice-President. He carries out such duties as may be assigned by the President and substitutes for the President when absent.
  • The Secretary. He maintains an up-to-date record of all Members of the Society, provides informations to all members of the activities and news concerning the Society.
  • The Treasurer. The Treasurer will be responsible for collecting the subscription fee.
  • Seven Members. They will be elected among full members, and will possibly represent different countries and disciplines within the Association.

All members of the Executive Committee will be in office for 3 years and can be re-elected. Every year 2 members of the Executive Committee will be replaced by other executive members, elected by the members.

The Executive Committee meets at least once annually prior to the General Assembly, or otherwise if demanded by at least 4 members of the Executive Committee, with a letter to the President or the Secretary. The members of the Executive Committee shall receive the invitation including the agenda at least 6 weeks prior to the meeting.

A member of the Executive Committee who is unable to complete the term of his office shall be replaced at the discretion of the President.

5.  N O M I N A T I O N S   T O  T H E    E X E C U T I V E   C O M M I T T E E

The Executive Committee (usually the secretary) will inform the members prior to the General Assembly of the vacancies for the Executive Committee and invite nominations. The Executive Committee will announce the results at the General Assembly. In any matter requiring a vote, the results shall be determined by simple majority of the members present.

6.  S U B S C R I P T I O N  F E E

All full members pay a membership fee, the level of which will be proposed by the Executive Committee and will be decided by the General Assemble.

Corresponding members have to pay the same membership fee as the full members. Emeritus members and honorary members do not pay a membership fee.

7.  A N N U A L   M E E T I N G

There shall be one annual General Assembly and at least one annual scientific congress open to all members of the Society. The meeting site will be selected by the Executive Committee two years in advance. The programme shall consist of at least three half-day sessions as follows:

  • topic chosen by the Executive Committee (one half-day),
  • topic chosen by the local organizer (one half-day),
  • free communication (one half-day).

Minutes of the annual meeting shall be prepared and made available to all members.

National funds may be raised on account of EMSOS for organization of the annual meeting in that country. The Treasurer may be involved in such activities. For other scientific meetings organized by EMSOS registration fees may be determined by the organizing committee.

Each member may invite one guest to the annual meeting. Guests may be from any musculo-skeletal tumour-related discipline.